30 Adventures in 30 Days


 an unusual and exciting or daring experience

Adventure does not have to be something extravagant like hiking the Himalayas or bungee jumping off a bridge in New Zealand. Life is full of little daily adventures, they are just waiting to be found.

As a future starving Uni student and being an adult with adult responsibilities, I understand how hard it is to scratch off the itch of adventure and exploration. So, what have I done? I have started to see daily life as an adventure itself. Life is what you make it, so why not make it fun?

I’ve compiled a list of 30 little adventures to do in 30 days. This can be repeated monthly, with your skills and knowledge continuing to grow each month.

Keep track of your progress by jotting every little adventure you complete in a journal or even the notes app on your phone. Feel free to add your own.


1. Go To Sleep Earlier

Okay, sorry to begin the list with what sounds like the most boring adventure ever. However, going to bed earlier means you can wake up earlier and start your day right. Mornings should be relaxing, and not a scramble to get out the door. Your morning self will thank you for it.

2. Read

Reading can take you anywhere all from the comfort of your own home. Try and read at least one book a month. If you are already an avid reader, try a different genre you would not usually read.

Biographies and true-story novels are my own go to genres. They give you all sorts of perspectives from a diverse range of people which in turn can change the perspective of your own life.

3. Cook Something New

If you are like me, an absolute hopeless/lazy cook, this can really get your tastebuds going. Challenge yourself to cook something new, even if it is  a quick 10 minute recipe. The more you practice, the better you get. And nothing is more satisfying than making something yourself and it turning out better than you could have imagined.

4. Go Vegan For A Day

Vegetarian and Vegan diets are becoming more common in today’s society, and I totally understand why. The diet benefits not only your own health, but the lives of other animals too. Try to go meat-free or completely vegan for a day. There are so many awesome plant based meals and snacks available. The options are endless and infinitely delicious.

5. Hit Up An Old Friend

As you grow up and life gets busier, it is normal to lose contact with friends. Majority of the time, contact is unconsciously cut. There is no bad blood; life just got in the way.  There is no harm in messaging an old friend to simply just check in or even meet up for a coffee. The worst thing they could say is no.

6. Go Somewhere Random

Open Google Maps of where you currently are and look at the area around you, and whatever stands out to you, be it a nearby park or something that looks like a secret waterfall, go visit it. Also Google the location too to see what others have had to say about the spot.

7. Listen To A New Album

This is probably one of my favourite adventures on this list. Music is easily accessible and with thousands of records to listen to, you surely can’t find something you do not like. It is not hard either to fit in an album in your daily life. To keep work outs interesting at the gym, I listen to a new album from start to finish. Other ways to crush out an album is to use it as background music when getting ready or cooking, walking, doing a hobby etc.

8. Try A New Work Out

Speaking of the gym, why don’t you try something new to spice up your routine? For an affordable option, Youtube is full of workout videos you can do at home. For people who like getting out of the house to work out, book yourself into a fitness class or boot camp. It is never too late to push your limits.

9. Find Your Quiet Place

Find comfort in your own quiet space; a place to go to when things get a little mad. It can be a set up somewhere in your house or a spot in your local park. Anywhere you can switch off and relax, even for just a short while.

10. Meditate

Meditation is important for a calm mind and relaxed soul. Take 5 minutes out of your day (you probably spend more time flicking though your phone, let’s be real here), to meditate. If you are new to meditation, there are dozens of apps from the App Store to use. Download a few and pick your favourite, your stress levels will thank you for it.

11. Watch A Foreign Film

Next time you want a Netflix binge, why not try something foreign? Foreign films can be extremely different from the high budget Hollywood flicks in terms of story, themes and the creative process. It may even inspire you to go on your own foreign adventure.

12. Try a New Restaurant

I think close to every family had a ‘Take Away Night’. One night during the week when your parents did not feel like cooking, and you got to indulge in your favourite take away food. Why stop now when you are an adult? Reserve for yourself a take away night (can be weekly or monthly, whatever your budget allows) and explore the local restaurants. You may find your new favourite flavour.

13. Go To An Exhibition

To keep visitors coming back for more, local museums and galleries regularly offer new and exciting exhibitions. These can range from the thrilling to the weird and wacky, but all offer your brain a chance to think a little more and learn something new.

14. Try Something New

Did you ever want to learn the guitar? Knit a scarf? Learn to surf? Just go for it! You are never to old to try a new hobby. You won’t know if you are good at it until you try, and if you aren’t the greatest, at least you gave it a go.


15. Start A Conversation

As the saying goes, ‘strangers are just friends waiting to happen’. Release your inner Forrest Gump and make conversation with a stranger. Be it at a University class, bar, bus stop… you never know who you will meet and what stories you will hear.

16. Plan Something For The Future

Give yourself something to look forward to and pencil in something fun for the future. Buy a concert ticket; plan a get away.  A nice reward to yourself from yourself for putting up with the world until the day arrives.

17. Or, just go!

Gather your friends, or just yourself, and hit the road. A road trip is always a lot of fun, and sometimes the journey is even better than the destination.

18. Go Wild

Get into nature and go camping for a night or two. Camping can lead to all sorts of adventures and exploration. To really get into the wild, pack your hiking pack and hike. Walk until you find somewhere to camp overnight. I am a huge fan of trekking out to a river or creek so I can reward myself with a refreshing dip in the water.

19. Be A Tourist

Instead of wishing to visit foreign cities, why not make the effort to see your own? The best way to explore a city or town is by walking or biking, as you can find the secret nooks and cranny’s that can lead somewhere magical.

20. No Phone.

Try to reduce your phone usage and ditch that device for one day a month. Life without a phone is not the end of the world. Limit your screen time and focus on the awesome things the world has to offer (or stop procrastinating the housework, I know those dishes have been soaking since yesterday).

21. Go Plastic Free

Did you know over 8 million metric tonnes of plastic waste made its way into our oceans in 2015? Plastic can take hundreds, even thousands of years to decompose.  Make an effort to reduce unrecyclable waste by making environmentally conscious decisions when buying products. Go plastic free for a day; this means no plastic bags, no cling wrap, no purchasing water bottles. One day a month could turn into a lifestyle.

22. Thrift Shop

Go pop some tags (sorry, I had to), and check out your local second hand stores. I love spending an afternoon going from store to store, searching for my next wardrobe staple. The best bit? All money goes to a local charity. It is a win-win!

23. Do Something That Scares You

Humans have a daring romance with fear. Fear can exhilarate or freeze us. Test your limits by doing something you would never usually do. This can be different for everyone. Find your fear and own it.

24. Date Yourself

There is something empowering taking yourself on a ‘date’. You can choose when you want to go, what you want to do. No awkwardness, just yourself having a bloody great time. Go see a movie, visit a museum, take yourself out to eat. Love yourself first; you’re stuck with you forever.

25. Buy A Pet

Learn to take responsibility for something other than yourself by bringing in something alive into your life. Now, buying a dog or a cat may be out of the picture, so why not something small? Consider buying a fish, a hermit crab, a bird, a carnivorous plant. Check out your local pet store or nursery and see what catches your eye.

26. Hike

Being surrounded by nature can do wonders for your mindset. Find a nearby trail and take your time to stop and the smell the roses. For city dwellers, find a park or even a botanical garden to explore.

27. See The Sunrise

Wake up early and see what the rest of the world misses out on as they sleep. Start your day right and watch the sky turn from darkness into vivid, mesmerising colours.

28. Get a Tattoo

Okay, this probably is not something you would do on the regular, but I highly recommend that sometime in your life you get a piece of yourself inked into your skin.

29. Learn A New Language

Enhance your language abilities and teach yourself a new language. Languages are a useful skill to practice and come in handy when travelling.

30. Remind Your Loved Ones

Family, love, friendships.. the greatest adventure of them all. Never forget to remind the people you love how much you appreciate them.


Adventure is out there (thanks, Up) and I hope this post inspires you to create your own.

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